The messaging giant, now owned by Meta, has been working to make it simpler to use WhatsApp on many devices (without the internet on the primary device) and to move WhatsApp conversations from Android to iPhone. Users previously didn’t care much about online privacy, but that’s changed in the past year or so. As a result, the business has revised its approach to user privacy and is experimenting with new tools to meet consumers’ demands. However, a major complaint among WhatsApp users is that you are considered online even if you only initially open the program. It gives the impression to others that you are active and accessible for conversation, even if that is not the reality. In this situation, pretending to be offline on WhatsApp is much simpler than you might imagine. Here, you’ll learn the ins and outs of keeping your WhatsApp last seen and online Status under wraps. Therefore, let’s get started so your privacy is protected, and nosy people are kept at bay.
WhatsApp Online/Last Seen Status/Last Seen Hide (2022)
In this tutorial, we show you (with photos) exactly how to disable WhatsApp’s last-seen feature and go offline temporarily. There is also an unofficial tool available to hide your online Status on WhatsApp Web, which we have included. Check out the methods in the following table for the best method for you.
The Best Ways to hide Your WhatsApp Last Seen Private (Android)
You’ll need to learn how to turn your last seen Status on WhatsApp before you can hide your online Status in the app. And this is how it goes down:
- launch WhatsApp by tapping the ellipses (three dots) icon in the app’s top right corner. The next option is to select the “Settings” button.
- Launch WhatsApp’s Settings, and then go to “Account -> Privacy” to adjust your “Last Seen” status.
- Whatsapp’s Third-Party Privacy Settings Then, find the option to “Share your last seen and online location” and tap it. Then, select the setting for “Who can see my last seen” on the messaging app to “Nobody” to hide anyone from seeing the last option you were online.
If you only want the last seen time shown to certain people in your contacts list, you can choose the “My contacts except..” option.
If you want your WhatsApp online status to be hidden, you can do so.
Whatsapp: How to conceal Your Online Status (Android)
As well as deciding who can see your online Status on WhatsApp, you can now hide your last seen time. Here’s how to make everyone on WhatsApp think you’re offline while still letting you text anybody you want:
Hide note that at present, hiding your online Status in WhatsApp is only available to Android and iOS beta testers. OnePlus 9RTs with Android 12 and WhatsApp version were used to create this tutorial.
There is now a “Who can see when I’m online” option on the same page as the “Last Seen” setting. You can select a step by choosing “Same as last seen.”
Moreover, if you have “Nobody” selected as your “Last Seen” status, then the “Online” text that appears next to your name in the WhatsApp chat window will no longer be visible to anyone. No one can see your online messaging history and wonder why you aren’t responding to them when you’re online.
The Best Ways to hide Your WhatsApp Last Seen Private (iPhone)
Let’s look at how to disable the last seen Status on Meta’s iPhone messaging app, as the process is very similar to that of Android.
- Launch WhatsApp on your iOS device and select “Settings” from the menu that appears. To move your account settings, click the “Account” tab.
- Access the Whatsapp preferences on your iPhone 2 by opening the app. Move to the “Account” settings, and then navigate to “Privacy -> Last Seen & Online.”
- You should know that “Last Seen & Online” settings and hiding them are currently only accessible in WhatsApp beta versions. You’ll only have a chance to disable “Last Seen” on your gadget.
iPhone 3 WhatsApp privacy settings. To finish hiding your WhatsApp activity, go to the “Who Can See My Last Seen” section and choose “Nobody.” No longer will the messaging app’s other users see when you last went online.
Whatsapp: How to hide Your Online Status (iPhone)
Choose the “Same as last seen” option in the “Who can see when I’m online” part of the privacy settings, as on Android. Please note that we tested this feature on WhatsApp beta version on iPhone 11 with iOS 16 installed, as it is now available only to beta testers.
Hide Your Tracking Status On Whatsapp Online
If you disable the last seen and online settings for yourself, WhatsApp warns, you will not be able to view the Status of other users.
When using WhatsApp on a computer, you can hide your online Status by disabling the last seen feature.
Don’t worry if you rely on WhatsApp Web to connect with loved ones; you may also disable your last seen and online Status there. You can hide your last seen on a Mac, Linux, or Windows computer by following these steps:
How to Hide Your Last Seen Status on WhatsApp Web
- As on Android and iOS, the last-seen feature may be turned off in the official version of WhatsApp on the web. Launch the app’s settings in web browser mode and click the ellipses (three dots) button.
- in the menu that appears, select “Privacy” from the WhatsApp web settings.
- Navigate to the “Last seen” section of WhatsApp’s web-based privacy controls.
- WhatsApp’s web-based “last seen option” setting is on version Select “Nobody” under the “Last Seen” setting, as we did in the Android and iOS sections, to check WhatsApp from broadcasting when you last checked your messages.
Hide your PC’s last seen on the WhatsApp web.
- Hide Your Online Status In WhatsApp Web 5. While this feature has yet to make it to the web version of WhatsApp, you can use a third-party app to mask your online Status until it does. For that reason, let’s examine the mechanism at work.
- First, head to the Chrome Web Store and look for an extension called WA Web Plus for WhatsApp (visit). It has a 4.6 rating and 21,000 reviews, making it a highly sought-after Chrome add-on. Click the “Add to Chrome” button to add the extension to Chrome.
- Make sure you have the WA Plus for WhatsApp Chrome 7 extension installed. To use WA Web Plus for WhatsApp after installing the extension, go to the “Extension” icon to the right of the address bar and select the extension from the drop-down menu.
- Whatsapp 8 Chrome Extension. The dialogue box for configuring the extension has opened. You can enable it to seem like you’re not online in offline by activating the “Hide online status (Invisible Mode)” feature under the “Enhancements” option. Turning on “Hide typing status” is another way to keep your WhatsApp communications secret.
Please note that after opening WhatsApp Web on your desktop, it will take a few seconds for the extension to become active, and you will appear online. Before you rush out to tap away at your contacts list?
And with that, we’re done. Once you log out of the messaging app, the “Online” indicator that previously appeared next to your contact’s name will disappear. Users who utilize the web app for all their communication needs won’t even see the typing indicator if you enable this feature.
Question and Answers
Should I assume that someone “online” on WhatsApp is talking with someone?
A contact’s online Status indicates that they are using WhatsApp at the moment, but it does not necessarily mean that they are conversing with anyone. It would have been as simple as leaving the phone’s messaging app open. It’s also possible that you’re checking your Status, setting the fingerprint lock on WhatsApp, or doing something else.
Can I hide my WhatsApp online status?
WhatsApp gives you the option to not only disable your last seen Status but also to hide your online Status. In other words, your WhatsApp activity will not be active in your contacts.